C D E Anna Skills Contact

Hello, I'm Anna.

A Front-End Developer with a deep passion for UX | UI Design. My mission is to break technological barriers by creating intuitive, effortless, and captivating digital solutions, bringing joy and inclusiveness to all users.

About me

My name is Anna Chowattanakul. I am currently working on several projects at Codeboxx as a front-end developer. I love writing clean code and building accessible, beautiful, and responsive web/mobile applications with great performance. Recently, I have been pouring my creative energy into learning SVG animation and graphic design because I love creating things that put a smile on people's faces. When I am not at my computer, I am either playing jazz piano, taking photos of nature, or making delicious Thai food. I'm always open to meeting new people, so don't hesitate to reach out!


  • HTML5, CSS3, SASS, Javascript, ES6, CSS animations, GSAP
  • Frameworks: React, Vue3
  • Ecommerce: Salesforce Commerce Cloud
  • Version Control: Git, Github, Bitbucket
  • Design Tools: Photoshop, Illustrator, and Figma

"Skills can be taught. Craftmanship can be learned. But the best results come from those who love doing their job." — Anna Chowattanakul (2021)


Need a creative front-end developer for your project? Contact me at anna.chowattanakul@gmail.com or linkedIn.